Decor tips for stylish home interiors

Décor Secrets of a Minimalist

Minimalism can be truly warm, rich and inviting. Strip it down, pare-up and tone everything when you want to follow the less is more approach in doing your home décor. Keep it simple, elegant and classy. Minimalism is not boring it can be beautiful too. An open and clutter-free space is pleasing to eyes and calming. But when adopting a minimalist decorating style, you will need to exercise restraint. It will be difficult in the beginning but gradually you will learn the art of striping down and pairing-up the furnishings giving the impact of a cleaner and bigger space. When it comes to giving that minimal touch to your room, space, lighting and objects will have to be used skilfully.

Here are some décor secrets of a minimalist, which you can embrace too and give your home that simple yet chic look and feel.

    1. Bring the Neutral Colours to Play: Inspiring a sense of calmness, neutral colours give a crisp and clean affect to a room. They make the space oh so fresh and is the easiest way to give a classic minimalist touch to your décor. Though you can always add more colours but try to limit to one or two bright colours that too in a subtle fashion. Maybe, infuse a vibrant cushion or table runner and let the whites and pastels play their charm.
    2. Let Textures Compliment: A neutral background is good but you should break the monotony by infusing different pieces with different textures. That crystal chandelier with gold design or white duvet with red cushion can beautifully compliment and add to the texture of a room.
    3. Focussed Furnishing: You need to shop quality over quantity when you want that minimalist approach of home décor. Consider each piece, its quality and utility before it enters inside your home. You will have to bid adieu to impulse and trendy buying instincts. Go for classy and timeless pieces that can become focal points in your room. It is these focal points that will help you have a visual balance in a room. So, let empty spaces and focussed furnishings be the guiding principle in a minimalist décor.

    1. Keep it Simple, Keep it Clean: Let simplicity rule. You need to have your place subtle and sophisticated. Not many bright colours or too many furniture should be housing any room. If that is the case, then toning and stripping down should be the first steps you will need to take. Start de-cluttering and removing things which are just kept in the room for the sake of it. A simple exercise of de-cluttering will make you feel truly good. You will like that sofa enjoying a greater space in the living room. It will suddenly become the focal point. You should also start editing showpieces on display. Keep the shelves clean and clutter-free. Likewise, in the bedroom your essentials should be in the wardrobe and all the stuff in the kitchen inside the cabinets. You will suddenly feel more space with this simple yet effective exercise.

    1. Accents become Decoration: Even in a minimalist room décor, accents are treated as pieces of decoration. But one should not go overboard. If you want to decorate the living room wall with a painting, then stick to one instead of a cluster of small paintings on the wall. Let that one fine painting accentuate your living room.
    2. Flat Surfaces & Fine Lines: These are central to a minimalist home. Flat surfaces give that feel of expanse and clean, defined lines definitely add to it. So, when choosing that centre or console table look for ones with flat surface and see how it adds to the minimal décor.

    1. Let Natural Light Flow: Drapes are not always a mandate. Let the charm of natural light play. If you want privacy and filtration of light, then add thin curtains to the room or simply use blinds.

With these secrets, you too can have minimal home décor. Enjoy that feeling of a freshly spruced home and an easy to maintain one. With periodic de-cluttering and getting home only essentials your task of maintaining the home will also be easy. Enjoy making your home in a new and novel way. Homes designed by Puravankara are spacious and you can add to it with a minimal decor approach. Check for Puravankara homes inspired by modern minimalism at and let less be more be your approach towards home décor.