Fresh air and open space in a residential area

Plant for a Cause – Embrace Green Life

Plant the seeds for tomorrow, today”, a beautiful saying, worth a billion. It’s time to plant for a cause, embrace green life. If you thought your planting trees and saplings will help only your future generation? Well, it’s time to reconsider. Those plants in your balcony and living room are nurturing you as well. They are purifying the air, giving you odour-free homes and of course helping you in leaving a beautiful planet for the coming generations. For once, we need to indulge in this selfless act and give a green planet for the next generation. Our previous generation indulged in this beautiful, noble act, and now it’s our turn to do the same. Furthermore, we owe to the Mother Earth too, so embrace a green life today.

You can plant for a cause at home and outside. Here are ways and means, how you can decorate with house plants and reap good health and green ambience at home.

  1. Bring the Succulents Home: Succulents make a lovely addition to your home. Mix round, matte and pointy ones for that intriguing assemblage in vibrant colour pots. They look fabulous in companions or when planted alone. Place them anywhere at home with ease as they don’t require much care
  2. Fill-up That Empty Corner: Get a towering plant and place it in a room corner. An easy way of doing up your home corners, you can put them in a colourful pot or wheeled caddie to add to the room décor.
  3. A Green Entrance: Soothing to eyes and welcoming, adding some plants to the entryway can be a great idea. How about some ferns for the entrance? Giving a tint of minimalist enchanted forest, this striking plant can be perfect in any neutral set-up. They look great in standing and hanging pot. Moreover, easy to maintain, they stay green with indirect light and minimal water. So, water them only when the soil turns dry.
  4. The Kitchen Garden: Well, many of us may not have the luxury of a garden but we can have a similar landscape. You can enjoy growing many vegetables, leafy and non-leafy in your little balcony and reap the many benefits of a home kitchen garden. From brinjals to mint leaves, you can grow up all these in your own backyard.
  5. Herbs in Your Kitchen: Bring those mason jars of your kitchen to a different use, all together. Decorate your countertops with herbs in mason jars. Plant different herbs in mason jars and have a green wall décor in your kitchen.
  6. Vases Go Green: When you can add green in those vases, then why stick to artificial flowers. Make the most of those transparent vases at home to plant saplings. You can always make it more creative and distinct by adding colourful stones or fun figurines and have one of its kind green space at home.

Make Go Green your mantra. Try to have a sapling in each room, each balcony and you will feel the difference. Just sit by that pot and enjoy your morning cup of tea. Truly refreshing, nature has its own ways of nurturing us. So, it’s time we stand-up and take care of our dues too. Our planet, our mother earth has done the max for us, and now it’s our turn. With stories of vertical forests being planted in countries like China, it’s time we realize the significance of a green planet. No, don’t wait for Earth day, rather make everyday Earth Day. We at Puravankara standby this in letter and spirit. Every Puravankara project, residential and commercial pays special heed to giving you a green space. Not just gardens, jogging tracks, play area, everywhere in Puravankara homes you will live a green life, each day.

Come visit our projects and see how we are going that extra mile to embrace a green life. We are committed to a greener environment and have been indulging in initiatives in this direction. The War Memorial at the Brigade Road junction in Bangalore is being maintained by Puravankara group other than this we also maintain parks and medians in various cities. In line with our Chairman’s vision, of special focus to the external environment, we take such CSR initiatives other than developing greener communities in our projects. You can check our projects online at, come let’s plant a sapling together, embrace Puravankara, embrace green living.