Reviving Heritage Wells in Bengaluru | Biome Environmental Trust

6 open wells were rejuvenated & rainwater harvesting was implemented. The projects were formally handover to the authorities on 21st February 2023

Creating Miyawaki Forest

As part of the Puravankara’s commitment towards Sustainability, we have initiated the development of Miyawaki Forest in two Government High Schools in rural Bangalore in association with NGO - Vidyanikethan, working in the field of Afforestation.

  • - Government High School, Paduvangere, Kanakapura, Ramanagara District
  • - Government High School, Dyavasandra, Ramanagara District

Number of Saplings: 15,000

The plantation was started on 25th Nov 2022 at Government High school, Paduvanagere with active participation from School Headmaster, teachers, and students.

Creating Miyawaki Forest

Benefits of Miyawaki forest:

  • - 10 times faster growth (within 4-5 years we could have a thick forest)
  • - 10 to 30 times dense
  • - 100% native plants
  • - 100% organic
  • - 75+ Variety of species (Canopy type, fruit-bearing, shrubs, medicinal plants)
  • - 27,700 kgs of Oxygen produced for the year for 15,000 saplings

Salient features of the project:

  • - Increase awareness, and build ownership among the kids and people on the importance of green cover
  • - Intensify the groundwater through comprehensive plantation methodology thereby
  • - Increase soil moisture to support natural vegetation
  • - Help in the mitigation of carbon dioxide and increase the production of oxygen
  • - Contribute towards the reduction of global warming

Maintenance of Park and Medians

To endeavor the city clean and green, Puravankara has been maintaining Medians and Parks under the Public Private Partnership model with BBMP for more than 10 years now.

Maintenance includes Planting new saplings, re-planting, cleanliness, watering the plants, pesticides, fertilizers, etc

Total area covered - 1,76,426 Sq.m


Plants and Trees are Natural air purifiers thereby reducing the impact of air pollution on the general public commuting on these roads, Traffic police personnel are stationed at the traffic check posts and vendors with their shops.
The scientific method was adopted in the selection and maintenance of plants for medians and Park and also consulted experts from the Mysore Horticulture Society (Lalbagh). Following are the positive impacts

  • - Require less water
  • - Consume maximum carbon-di-oxide and give out Oxygen.
  • - green throughout the year thereby improving the Civic Beauty
  • - Groundwater recharge
  • - Indigenous plants used
  • -Increase the number of people using Rest house park for walking, jogging, relaxing, cycling, kids playing in the park, and residents with pet animals

Rain Water Harvesting Projects

Puravankara in association with Biome Environmental Trust is working on Rainwater Harvesting projects involving the digging of new Open Wells, the rejuvenation of existing Wells, and Recharge wells in Public parks, public spaces, Govt offices, and Schools.

As of date, we have completed working on 12 Wells (6 Open Wells, 3 Recharge Wells, and 4 well rejuvenation in Bangalore). By end of this year, we are planning to complete at least 25 Projects.

  • - Rejuvenation of an existing Well, digging of the recharge Well, an open well, and a Well that acts as both open and recharge well, in Rest House Park (Crescent Road)
  • - 2 Open wells and 1 recharge well at Forest Department Office, Madiwala Lake
  • - Rejuvenation of an old step-well and an old open well in Lalbagh
  • - Rooftop rainwater harvesting which includes recharge Well, rejuvenated Well, and open Well at Sonappanahalli Government School
  • - Rainwater harvesting project at Vidyaprabodhini Institute in Goa


  • - Rainwater harvesting has helped in recharging the Groundwater
  • - Reduced water flooding.
  • - Reduced dependence on BWSSB water or private tankers for gardening purposes.

Educational Video

As part of the Sustainability Commitment, Puravankara Group shot an Educational Video showcasing Rain Water Harvesting, its importance, Well digging by Traditional Well Diggers (Mannuvaddars), and the need to recharge the Ground Water.

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